NOBLE, Gregory W.

所属部門 | 比較現代政治部門 教授 |
専門分野 | 政治と行政学 |
[at]を@に置き換えてください。 |
2001年4月 - 2002年3月 | 東京大学社会科学研究所助教授 |
2002年4月 - | 東京大学社会科学研究所教授 |
2008年8月 - 2009年7月 | 在外研究 (University of California, BerkeleyのBerkeley Roundtable on the International Economy) |
2018年4月 - 2018年7月 | ベルリン自由大学大学院東アジア研究科客員教員 |
2021年5月 - 2022年4月 | 在外研究 (University of California, San Diego のSchool of Global Policy and Strategy (GPS), Visiting Professor) |
- 1東アジアの比較政治、政治経済学
Comparative politics and comparative political economy in East Asia - 2産業政策,イノベーション政策
Industrial policy, innovation policy - 3経済規制
Regulatory policy - 4台湾の政治経済(日,米中との関係を含めて)
The politics and political economy of Taiwan(including relations with US, Japan, China) - 5東アジアの地域主義
East Asian regionalism
- “Contending Forces in Taiwan's Economic Policymaking: The Case of Hua Tung Heavy Trucks“, Asian Survey,Vol.27, No.6, June 1987, pp.683-704
- “The Japanese Industrial Policy Debate“, Stephan Haggard and Chung-in Moon (eds.), Pacific Dynamics: The International Politics of Industrial Change. Westview Press, November 1989, pp. 53-95. Reprinted in Stephen Tolliday (ed.) The Economic Development of Modern Japan, 1945-1995. Vol.2: From Occupation to the Bubble Economy, Edward Elgar Publishing, January 2002.
- “Takeover or Makeover? Japanese Investment in America“,California Management Review Vol.34, No.4, Summer 1992, pp. 127-147.
- Flying Apart? Japanese-American Negotiations over the FSX Fighter Plane, U.C. Institute of International Studies, 1992.
- “Japan in 1992: Just Another Aging Superpower?“Asian Survey, Vol.33, No.1, January 1993, pp.1-11.
- “Japan in 1993: Humpty Dumpty Had a Great Fall,“ Asian Survey, Vol.34, No.1, January 1994, pp.19-29
- Mathew D. McCubbins and Gregory W. Noble, “The Appearance of Power: Legislators, Bureaucrats and the Budget Process in the United States and Japan“, Peter Cowhey and Mathew D. McCubbins (eds.), Structure and Policy in Japan and the United States. Cambridge University Press, September 1995, pp.56-80. Excerpts reprinted in Curtis J. Milhaupt, J. Mark Ramseyer and Michael K. Young, eds., Japanese Law in Context: Readings in Society, the Economy and Politics (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, August 2001)
- Mathew D. McCubbins and Gregory W. Noble, “Perceptions and Realities of Japanese Budgeting“, Peter Cowhey and Mathew D. McCubbins (eds.), Structure and Policy in Japan and the United States. Cambridge University Press, September 1995, pp.81-115.
- “Trojan Horse and Boomerang: Two-Tiered Investment in the Asian Auto Complex,“ Berkeley Roundtable on the International Economy Working Paper, November 1996 (52 pp.)
- “From Island Factory to Asian Center: Democracy and Deregulation in Taiwan,“ Working Paper, Department of International Relations, Research School of Asian and Pacific Studies, Australian National University, October 1997 (44 pp.)
- “Opportunity Lost: Partisan Incentives and the 1997 Constitutional Revisions in Taiwan,“The China Journal Vol.41, January 1999, pp.89-114
- Collective Action in East Asia: How Ruling Parties Shape Industrial Policy (Cornell Studies in Political Economy), Cornell University Press: Ithaca, 1998.
- “Let a Hundred Channels Contend: Technological Change, Political Opening, and Bureaucratic Priorities in Japanese Television Broadcasting,” Journal of Japanese Studies 26(1) (Winter 2000): pp.79-109.
- Conspicuous failures and hidden strengths of the ITRI Model: Taiwan's technology policy toward hard disk drives and CD-ROMs,”Working Paper, Information Storage Industry Center, IR/PS, UC San Diego, April 2000 (64 pp.)
- The Asian Financial Crisis and the Structure of Global Finance (edited with John Ravenhill), Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, 2000.
- Gregory W. Noble and John Ravenhill, “Causes and Consequences of the Asian Financial Crisis,“ Gregory W. Noble and John Ravenhill (eds.), The Asian Financial Crisis and the Structure of Global Finance, Cambridge University Press, September 2000, pp. 1-35
- Gregory W. Noble and John Ravenhill, “The Good, the Bad and the Ugly? Korea, Taiwan and the Asian Financial Crisis,“ Gregory W. Noble and John Ravenhill (eds.), The Asian Financial Crisis and the Structure of Global Finance, Cambridge University Press, September 2000, pp.80-107.
- Stephan Haggard and Gregory W. Noble, “Power Politics: Elections and Electricity Regulation in Taiwan,” Stephan Haggard and Mathew D. McCubbins (eds.), Presidents, Parliaments and Policy, Cambridge University Press, March 2001, pp. 256-90.
- Entries on auto industry (1000 words), communications satellites (500 words), aerospace industry (500 words), and HDTV (400 words) for Encyclopedia of Contemporary Japanese Culture, Sandra Buckley (ed.), Routledge, 2001.
- “Congestion Ahead: Japanese Automakers in Southeast Asia,” Business and Politics, Vol.3, No.2, August 2001, pp.157-84
- 「1990年代の経済規制改革:失われた十年か、緩やかな前進か 『社会科学研究 』 第53巻第2・3合併号2002年3月, pp.173-217
- “Political Leadership and Economic Policy in the Koizumi Cabinet,” Social Science Japan, Vol.22, December 2001, pp.24-28
- “On the Road to Asia: Japanese Automakers in ASEAN,” Vinod K. Aggarwal and Shujiro Urata (eds.), Winning in Asia, Japanese Style: Market and Nonmarket Strategies for Success, Palgrave Macmillan, October 2002, pp. 123-156.
- “Trends in Economic Regulation and Implications for Japan,"『社会科学研究 』第54巻第2号 2003年3月, pp.45-75.
- “Japanese Auto Production Networks in China: Too Little, Too Late?” Social Science Japan, Vol.24, October 2002, pp.10-16.
- “Review Essay: Recent Trends in Comparative Political Economy and their Implications for Japan," Japanese Journal of Political Science, Vol. 4, No. 1, May 2003, pp. 135-151.
- “Reform and Continuity in Japan’s Shingikai Deliberation Councils," Jennifer Amyx and Peter Drysdale (eds.), Japanese Governance: Beyond Japan Inc., RoutledgeCurzon, August 2003, pp. 113-132.
- “Production Networks in Asia’s Automobile Parts Industry” (with Richard F. Doner and John Ravenhill), Global Production Networking and Technological Change in East Asia, ed. Shahid Yusuf, M. Anjum Altaf, Kaoru Nabeshima (Washington and New York: World Bank and Oxford University Press, 2004), pp.159-208
- “What Can Taiwan (and the United States) Expect from Japan?” Journal of East Asian Studies 5(1) (January 2005): pp.1-34
- “Front Door, Back Door: The Reform of Postal Savings and Loans in Japan,” The Japanese Economy 33(1) (Spring 2005): pp.107-123.
- “Explaining Regionalism: A Brief Overview,” Working Paper, ISS Comparative Regionalism Project, Institute of Social Science, University of Tokyo, May 2005, 26pp.
- “Executioner or Disciplinarian: WTO Accession and the Chinese Auto Industry” (with Richard F. Doner and John Ravenhill), Business and Politics 7(2) article 1, 2005.
- “Koizumi and Neo-Liberal Economic Reform,” Social Science Japan 34 (March 2006): pp.6-9.
- 「政治的リーダーシップと構造改革」東京大学社会科学研究所(編)『「失われた10年」を超えて(II):小泉改革への時代』東京大学出版会: 73-105頁, 2006年2月.
- 「政治的リーダーシップと財政投融資改革:成果と限界」東京大学社会科学研究所(編)『「失われた10年」を超えて(II):小泉改革への時代』東京大学出版会: 191-218頁, 2006年2月.
- “New Breakthroughs and Enduring Limitations in Japan’s Special Relationship with Taiwan,” in Yoichiro Sato and Satu Limaye, eds., Japan in a Dynamic Asia: Coping with New Security Challenges (Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books, 2006), pp.89-116.
- “Industrial competitiveness of the auto parts industries in four large Asian countries: the role of government policy in a challenging international environment” (with John Ravenhill and Richard F. Doner). World Bank Policy Research Working Paper WPS4106 (December 1, 2006), pp.76.
- “The Emergence of the Chinese and Indian Automobile Industries and Implications for other Developing Countries”. World Bank working paper, May 2006, pp.46.
- “Wanxiang: Incremental Innovation in Service of Long-term Goals,” (世界銀行研究ペーパー) World Bank, 2007年9月, 25頁.
- “UTStarcom: Systems Innovation in a hybrid, globalizing Chinese telecommunications company,” (世界銀行研究ペーパー) World Bank, September 2007, 19頁.
- “SiBiono: Chinese Biotech Pioneer,” (世界銀行研究ペーパー) World Bank, September 2007, 15頁.
- “Incomplete Democratization and Unreconciled Rivalries: Economic Relations Across the Taiwan Strait and Regional Cooperation.” CREP Discussion Paper No. 6, 東京大学社会科学研究所2007年9月, 37頁.
- “Japanese and American perspectives on regionalism in East Asia.” International Relations of the Asia-Pacific 8:2, pp.247-262, May 2008.
- “Post-Colonial Sentiments and Security Calculations: Ties with Japan,,” in Steve Tsang,ed, Taiwan and the International Community, Oxford: Peter Lang Publishing, 20pp, 2008.
- “Japan's Business Community in Sino-Japanese Relations,” In Frances Rosenbluth and Masaru Kohno, eds., Japan and the World, New Haven: Yale University Council on East Asian Studies, pp.187-227, 2009.
- “Fordism Light: Hyundai's Challenge to Coordinated Capitalism” Berkeley Roundtable on the International Economy, BRIE Working Paper 186, March, 2010.
- “The Decline of Particularism in Japanese Politics,” Journal of East Asian Studies 10:2, pp.239-273, 2010.
- “The Evolution of the Japanese Policymaking System in Alisa Gaunder, ed.,” in Alisa Gaunder, ed.,Routledge Handbook of Japanese Politics New York: Routledge, 2010.
- “Political-bureaucratic alliances for fiscal restraint in Japan,” 「社会科学研究」 62:1, 51-76頁, 2011.
- “Industrial Policy in Key Developmental Sectors: South Korea versus Japan and Taiwan,” in Byung-Kook Kim and Ezra F. Vogel, eds., The Park Chung Hee Era: The Transformation of South Korea Cambridge: Harvard University Press, pp.603-628, 2011.
- 「財政危機と政党戦略」 樋渡展洋、斎藤淳編.『政党政治の混迷と政権交代』, 東京大学出版会 2011年12月, pp.71-93. (Fiscal crisis and party strategies, in Hiwatari Nobuhiro and Saito Jun, eds., Political Parties in Disarray: The Causes and Consequences of the LDP's Fall from Power. Tokyo: Tokyo University Press: 71-93)
- “The Chinese Auto Industry as Challenge, Opportunity and Partner,” Dan Breznitz and John Zysman (eds.), The Third Globalization: Can Wealthy Nations Stay Rich in the Twenty-First Century? Oxford University Press, March 2013, pp. 57-81.
- “Japan's Economic Crisis: More Chronic than Acute―So Far,“ Yongshik Bong and T. J. Pempel (eds.) Japan in Crisis: What Will it Take for Japan to Rise Again, Palgrave Macmillan, October 2013, pp. 53-80.
- “Koizumi’s Complementary Coalition for (mostly) Neo-liberal Reform in Japan,“ Kenji E. Kushida, Kay Shimizu, and Jean C. Oi (eds.), Syncretism: The Politics of Economic Restructuring and System Reform in Japan, Stanford University Asia-Pacific Research Center, January 2014, pp. 115-146
- “Too little, too late? Raising the consumption tax to shore up Japanese finances.“ The Japanese Political Economy, Vol.40 No.2, Summer 2014 pp.48-75.
- “Abenomics in the 2014 Election: Showing the money (supply) and little else,“ Robert J. Pekkanen, Steven R. Reed and Ethan Scheiner (eds.), Japan Decides 2014: The General Election, Palgrave Macmillan, October 2015, pp. 155-169
- Kenneth Mori McElwain and Gregory W. Noble, “Who tolerates tax increases? Age and gender in the raising of Japanese consumption taxes,” Journal of Social Science (社会科学研究) Vol. 67 No. 2, March 2016, pp.75-96.
- “Toward a Responsive Two-Party System? A Review of ‘Series: Japanese Politics’” , Social Science Japan Journal, Vol. 19, No.1, Winter 2016, pp.85-97.
- “Who—If Anyone—Is in Charge? Evolving Discourses of Political Power and Bureaucratic Delegation in Postwar Japanese Policymaking,” Gill Steel (ed.), Power in Contemporary Japan, Palgrave Macmillan, July 2016, pp.185-200.
- 「消費税増税と日本のガバナンス (Consumption Tax Increases and Japanese Governance)」『ガバナンスを問い直すII: 市場・社会の変容と改革政治 (Reconsidering Governance II: Reform politics in changing markets and societies)』東京大学社会科学研究所 (編集), 大沢 真理 (編集), 佐藤 岩夫 (編集). (Institute of Social Science-University of Tokyo, Mari Osawa, and Iwao Sato, Editors). 東京:東京大学出版会 (Tokyo: University of Tokyo Press). 2016, pp.199-228
- “Introduction: SSJJ Special Issue on Non-Regular Employment,” Social Science Japan Journal, Vol.20, No.1, Winter 2017, pp.1-4
- “Government-business relations in democratizing Asia,” in Routledge Handbook of Democratization in East Asia, ed. Tun-jen Cheng and Yun-han Chu. New York: Routledge, pp. 427-442, 2017.
- “Staffing the State with Women” In Beyond the Gender Gap in Japan, ed. Gill Steel. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, pp. 229-246,2019.
- “Abe sails toward another electoral victory.” 2019. East Asia Forum. July 13.
- 「日本の「水素社会」言説――高リスクエネルギー政策と不安の利用」東大社研, 玄田有史, 飯田高編『危機対応の社会科学 下: 未来への手応え』pp.197-227, 2019
- “METI’s miraculous comeback and the uncertain future of Japanese industrial policy.” In The Oxford Handbook of Japanese Politics, ed. Robert J. Pekkanen and Saadia M. Pekkanen. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2021. 25 pages. DOI: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780190050993.013.19
- “The Political Economy of Automotive Industrialization in East Asia”,(with Richard F. Doner and John Ravenhill), Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2021 (May), 412 pages.
- “The Transformation of Japanese Industrial Policy: From Developmental State to Economic Security State”. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, under contract.
UC San Diego | GPPS 416 AO, Postwar Japanese Politics |
UC San Diego | GPGN 490-FOO, Japan and the International Political Economy |