
Tomohiro Hosoi "Can Minor Powers Swing between Major Powers under a Competitive International System?" The Case of the Central African Republic since 2016, 2025年1月
Masaaki Higashijima (with Austin M. Mitchell) "Democracy and State Development: Patterns of Public Spending in the First Two Waves of Democratization" 2024. Comparative Political Studies. Online First.Online First.
2024年12月 3日
Masaaki Higashijima (with Adrián del Río) "Democratic Reforms in Dictatorships: Elite Divisions, Party Origins, and the Prospects of Political Liberalization" 2024. 2024. Comparative Political Studies. Online First.
2024年10月 1日
Tomoko Matsumoto, Kenneth Mori McElwain, Kensuke Okada, Junko Kato "Generational differences in economic perceptions" Electoral Studies 91, 102830-102830 , 2024年10月
Tomohiro Hosoi "METI and Japanese scramble: re-definition of Japan's African policy under the second Abe administration and future of African summit diplomacy" The Pacific Review 1-21, 2024年8月
東島雅昌(門屋寿・塚田真司との共著)「選挙操作と党派性: 多国間サーベイによる選挙の公正性認識の実証分析」2024.『選挙研究』39号2巻.
Masaaki Higashijima (with Hisashi Kadoya and Yuki Yanai) "The Dynamics of Electoral Manipulation and Institutional Trust in Democracies: Election Timing, Blatant Fraud, and the Legitimacy of Governance." 2024. Public Opinion Quarterly, nfae022.
永吉希久子「外国人労働者受け入れ支持における技能のパラドクス:高技能職での受け入れは受容されやすいか」『年報政治学』2024-I: 63-87
Masaaki Higashijima "Autocratization and Development," Aurel Croissant and Luca Tomini eds. 2024. Routledge Handbook of Autocratization. Chapter 25, pp.349-361, Routledge.
2024年5月 3日
Ryuichi Tanaka (with Atsushi Inoue) "The Rank of Socioeconomic Status within Class and the Incidence of School Bullying and School Absence" Economics of Education Review (forthcoming).
2024年5月 3日
Higashijima, Masaaki and Yujin Woo. 2024. "Political Regimes and Refugee Entries: Motivations behind Refugees and Host Governments." International Studies Quarterly. 68-2, sqae077.
Ryuichi Tanaka (with Hideo Akabayashi) "The Rate of Return to Early Childhood Education in Japan: Estimates from the Nationwide Expansion" Education Economics
2024年3月 8日
永吉 希久子, 潮村 公弘, 田辺 俊介, 齋藤 僚介, 瀧川 裕貴, 「韓国人に対する偏見の表出と社会規範」『理論と方法』 2023, 38 巻, 2 号, p. 212-224
齋藤宙治(2024)「宇宙資源をめぐる法とコモンズ」有斐閣Online キソホーからみた世界(第1回)
Hiroyuki Hoshiro, Bringing the National Interest to the Forefront of Foreign Aid Policy : The Case of Japan
宮本 雅也、押谷 健「ケアの責務の規範的根拠の考察――責務の関係的理解の観点から」『倫理学年報』第73集(ページ番号未定)
「決済プラットフォームの現状と展望 」 石原章史, 大木良子, 若森直樹 『運輸と経済』 2023年11月号 pp.38-45
2023年11月 8日
Hiroyuki Hoshiro, "Reconsidering Japan's War Reparations and Economic Re-Entry into Southeast Asia," Diplomacy & Statecraft, 34(4), 673-702.
Masaaki Higashijima, Hidekuni Washida, Varieties of Clientelism across Political Parties: New Measures of Patron-Client Relationships, European Political Science Review forthcoming 2023
2023年10月 6日
2023年10月 1日
石川博康「普遍主義的討議理論としての交渉促進規範論 ―山本顯治「契約交渉関係の法的構造についての一考察(1)~(3・完) 私的自治の再生に向けて」―」法律時報95巻11号,2023年10月,131-136頁.
Kenneth McElwain, Keisuke Kawata, Masaki Nakabayashi, Narrative premiums in policy persuasion, Political Psychology, September 22, 2023
Masaaki Higashijima, Yujin Woo, Measuring National Refugee Policies: Recent Trends and Implications for Future Development, Interdisciplinary Information Sciences 29(2) 109-117 2023年
藤谷武史, 「法制度の効率性と租税法の役割―Kaplow & Shavell の "double distortion" テーゼ再訪」『フィナンシャル・レビュー(財務総合政策研究所)』152号、2023年6月、4-29頁
藤谷武史, 「コロナ禍における財政の変容と財政法の課題」『法律時報』95巻8号、2023年7月、41-47頁
Legitimation of earnings inequality between regular and non-regular workers: A comparison of Japan, South Korea, and the United States
飯田高「法によるインセンティブとクラウディング・アウト」法の支配 209号87-104頁、 2023年4月
田中亘「経済分析は法学の発展にどのように寄与するか」法の支配 209号119-136頁、 2023年4月
2023年4月 3日
齋藤宙治=田中 亘「参議院議員定数不均衡と交付金配分 ―草野耕一裁判官の「条件付き合憲論」を踏まえた統計分析の試み―」社会科学研究 74巻63-89頁、2023年3月
2023年3月 9日
Kenneth MCELWAIN "Public Preference for International Law Compliance: Respecting Legal Obligations or Conforming to Common Practices?" Review of International Organizations (with Saki Kuzushima and Yuki Shiraito)
Tanaka Wataru, and Masaki Iwasaki, Homogeneity and Heterogeneity in How Institutional Investors Perceive Corporate and Securities Regulations, European Business Organization Law Review (Online) 24(3) 507-554
Masato Oikawa, Ryuichi Tanaka, Shun-ichiro Bessho and Haruko Noguchi, "Do Class Size Reductions Protect Students from Infectious Disease? Lessons for Covid-19 Policy from Flu Epidemic in Tokyo Metropolitan Area", American Journal of Health Economics,
2022年10月 1日
Julen Esteban-Pretel, Xiangcai Meng and Ryuichi Tanaka, "Fiscal Policy Changes and Labor Market Dynamics in Japan's Lost Decade", Macroeconomic Dynamics, vol. 26(7), pages 1691-1730, October (2022).
田中亘「株主主権の意義と合理性」 東京株式懇話会編『東京株式懇話会90周年記念講演録集』(商事法務) 205-267頁、2022年9月
Atsushi Inoue and Ryuichi Tanaka, "Do Teachers' College Majors Affect Students' Academic Achievement in the Sciences? A Cross Subfields Analysis with Student-Teacher Fixed Effects" Education Economics, vol. 31(5), pages 617-631 (2023)
2022年8月 1日
Shoji, M., Cato, S., Iida, T., Ishida, K., Ito, A., Katsumata, H., and McElwain, K. M. (2022) "Mobile Health Technology as a Solution to Self-Control Problems: The Behavioral Impact of COVID-19 Contact Tracing Apps in Japan," Social Science and Medicine,
2022年7月 6日
Hiroyuki Hoshiro, "Time pressures under international crises reconsidered: Integrating real and experimental time". Asian Journal of Comparative Politics
Shoji, M., Ito, A., Cato, S., Iida, T., Ishida, K., and McElwain, K. M. (2022) "Variations in Early-Stage Responses to Pandemics: Survey Evidence from the COVID-19 Pandemic in Japan," Economics of Disasters and Climate Change, 6, 235-258
Cato, S., Iida, T., Ishida, K., Ito, A., Katsumata, H., McElwain, K. M., and Shoji, M. (2022) "Vaccination and altruism under the COVID-19 pandemic," Public Health in Practice, 3, 100225.
Aida, T., and Shoji, M. (2022) "Cross-Country Evidence on the Role of National Governance in Boosting COVID-19 Vaccination," BMC Public Health, 22, 576.
2022年3月 1日
Nuria Rodriguez-Planas and Ryuichi Tanaka, "Gender Norms and Women's Decision to Work: Evidence from Japan", Review of Economics of the Household, vol. 20(1), pages 15-36, March (2022).
Cato, S., & Inoue, A. (2022). Libertarian approaches to the COVID‐19 pandemic. Bioethics.
Cato, S. Stable preference aggregation with infinite population. Social Choice and Welfare (2022)
飯田高 EBPMとDXは計画行政をどう変えるか, 計画行政45巻1号 27-32
The impact of COVID-19 on the psychological distress of youths in Japan: A latent growth curve analysis Sho Fujihara and Takahiro Tabuchi, Journal of Affective Disorders
2022年2月 3日
Ken Yahagi, Regulation on Coexisting Legal and Illegal Markets with Quality Differentiation, European Journal of Law and Economics
2022年1月 6日
Susumu Cato, Takashi Iida, Kenji Ishida, Asei Ito, Hiroto Katsumata, Kenneth Mori McElwain, Masahiro Shoji. 2022. "Vaccination and altruism under the COVID-19 pandemic". Public Health in Practice, Volume 3 (June)
Susumu Cato, Takashi Iida, Kenji Ishida, Asei Ito, Kenneth Mori McElwain, Masahiro Shoji. 2021. "Variations in Early-Stage Responses to Pandemics: Survey Evidence from the COVID-19 Pandemic in Japan". Economics of Disasters and Climate Change.
Cato, S., Iida, T., Ishida, K,, Ito, A., Katsumata, H., McElwain, K. M, Shoji, M. (2021). "Social media infodemics and social distancing under the COVID-19 pandemic: public good provisions under uncertainty". Global health action, 14(1)