第29回ワークショップ:Gender and Politics and Representation Paradox: Representing Women and Facing Electoral Disadvantage?
報告者:Jaemin Shim [the Department of Government and International Studies (GIS), Hong Kong Baptist University]
場所:東京大学本郷キャンパス社会科学研究所1F 第二会議室(104号室)
報告要旨: In the past several decades, the overall proportion of women in parliaments worldwide has increased substantially, and global-level empirical evidence has demonstrated that greater proportions of women in the legislature lead to more promotion of women's issues, e.g. increased maternity leave, women's career advancement, domestic violence reduction, or abortion rights. Clear benefits offered to women voters notwithstanding, we know little about the relationship between female legislators' promotion of women's issues and its career consequences. To fill this gap, using mixed methods, the project investigates to what degree and through what mechanisms female legislators face electoral disadvantages when they support issues concerning women voters; moreover, it also examines how the policy-career trade-offs pertinent to women's issues differ between legislators elected in districts and those elected through party lists. The project focuses on two under-explored countries in the literature on gender politics--South Korea and Taiwan--and examines the period between 2004 and 2023.