
第12回ワークショップ:「COVID-19パンデミック以降の学術および大学教育に対する態度について : Attitudes Towards Academia and University Education Since the COVID-19 Pandemic」



報告者田中 隆一MCELWAIN Kenneth Mori(東京大学社会科学研究所)


報告要旨:The COVID-19 pandemic has elevated public attention on the role of universities. Experts---some based in universities, some not--- have been called on to give input on various policy responses, including vaccine development, social distancing measures, and economic revitalization, and their messages have been shared in newspapers, television programs, and social media. However, the subject-matter knowledge of these experts has varied considerably, possibly influencing the reputation of university-based research. At the same time, the pandemic has caused major disruptions in the educational mission of universities, many of which were forced to move coursework online. This may have changed the price tag that people are willing to pay for a college education. Through two original surveys conducted by the "COVID-19 and Social Science" team of the "Methodology of Social Sciences" ISS Project, we examine public opinion relating to trust in academic experts, the nature of scientific research, and the costs of university education. In the first survey, we examine how the "messenger" (professional status) and "medium" (forum for sharing knowledge) shape people's acceptance of different policy recommendations. In the second survey, we estimate the extent to which potential and current university students and their parents value an in-person education. We also discuss broader findings from our surveys, such as the popularity of different social science fields, how political leanings influence trust in academia, and what types of reforms people would like universities to undertake.