
第1回研究会開催(思想と歴史)報告者:Roberto FUMAGALLI(King's College London)



タイトル:Preferences versus Opportunities: Which Conceptual Foundation for Normative Welfare Economics?

報告者Roberto FUMAGALLI (King's College London)

司会:井上 彰(東京大学大学院総合文化研究科)


報告要旨:Normative welfare economics commonly assumes that individuals' preferences can be reliably inferred from their choices and relies on preference satisfaction as the normative standard for welfare. In recent years, several authors have criticized welfare economists' reliance on preference satisfaction as the normative standard for welfare and have advocated grounding normative welfare economics on opportunities rather than preferences. In this paper, I argue that although preference-based approaches to normative welfare economics face significant conceptual and practical challenges, opportunity-based approaches fail to provide a more reliable and informative foundation for normative welfare economics than preference-based approaches. I then identify and rebut influential calls to ground normative welfare economics on opportunities rather than preferences to support my qualified defence of preference-based approaches.

