Liberalism and the Kulturkampf:The Emergence of Catholic Parties in Western Central Europe
平島 健司/HIRASHIMA Kenji
Keywords: 自由主義,文化闘争,西中欧,カトリック政党,柱形成
Keywords: Liberalism, Kulturkampf, Western Central Europe, Catholic Parties, Pillarization
本稿は,オランダ,ベルギー,スイス,ならびにドイツ連邦のバーデンとオーストリアの自由主義派が,1860 年代から1870 年代にかけカトリック教会に対して挑んだ文化闘争に着目し,その結果生じたカトリック勢力の政治的動員が各地のその後の政治発展に与えた影響について比較考察することを目的とする.
Focusing on the ‘Kulturkampf(cultural war)’, which the liberal forces waged against Catholics, the article compares the catholic political mobilization around the 1860s and the 1870s, and its legacies in the Netherlands, Belgium, Switzerland as well as in Baden and Austria of the German Confederation. In the Netherlands and Belgium, the Catholics advanced subcultural pillar formation and successfully challenged the liberal dominance fi nally to reach the governing position. In dominantly liberal Switzerland, it was within the catholic camp that the cultural struggles were fought, in which the moderate Catholics helped the liberals to further build up the federal state, opposing the Ultramontanists. By contrast, in the conservative German onfederation, while the political Catholics in Baden merged into the Center Party in the unifi ed German Empire, the Austrian liberal governments were too short-lived to mobilize the Catholics into a subcultural entity. Depending on constitutional structures and liberal strength therein, catholic political mobilization diff ered in variegated ways.
社會科學研究 第74巻(2023-03-17発行)
(更新日: 2023年 3月23日)