




The Scope of the Suppressing System of Piracy: Control of Private Violence or the Significance of the Principle of Flag-State Jurisdiction
菅野 直之/KANNO Naoyuki

Keywords:海賊 旗国主義 普遍的管轄権 公海の自由 私的目的




The suppression of piracy is an international issue in contemporary world, but the definition of piracy in UNCLOS is ambiguous in several points such as the interpretation of “for private ends” requirement. This controversy arises from the theoretical disagreement on the scope of the piracy suppression system. The “authorization theory” focuses on the control of private violence, that is, suppression of private violence that no state could be held responsible. From this perspective, “for the private ends” requirement is broadly interpreted. The “reservation of flag-state theory” emphasizes that the universal jurisdiction is only an exception of the flag-state principle relating to the vessels on the high seas and concludes that the scope of it ought to be restricted. In this theory, “for the private ends” requirement is restrictively interpreted.

社會科學研究 第68巻 第1号(2017-03-17発行)

(更新日: 2017年 3月 17日)