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- 『社会科学研究』トップ
- 第66巻 特集一覧
- 第66巻第1号
- 「江蘇省南部の民営企業における資金調達の困難」
Financial Difficulties at the Private Enterprises in Southern Jiangsu Province
周力輝(丸川知雄訳)/ZHOU, Lihui
Keywords: 民営企業、資金調達、金利、蘇南地域
Small and medium-sized private enterprises (SMPEs) in Jiangsu province, China, are facing severe financial troubles. The surveys organized by local government departments show that SMPEs face high obstacles in borrowing money from banks, including high interest rates, requirements from the banks to deposit or to buy investment funds in exchange for receiving loans, and high fees for financial intermediation. Such obstacles lead SMPEs to seek loans from informal financing sources, which may charge even higher interest rates. The main reason for such difficulties experienced by SMPEs in borrowing money is the monopoly of the financial sector by state-owned financial institutions. To solve the financial troubles of SMPEs, the Chinese government needs to open the financial market to non-state financial institutions and reform the credit policy of state-owned banks.
社會科學研究 第66巻 第1号(2014-12-15発行)
(更新日: 2014年 12月 15日)