




釜石のラグビーを考える― 「新日鐵釜石」から「釜石シーウェイブスRFC」へ―
From a Corporate Team to a Community-Based Club Team : Considering Rugby Football in the City of Kamaishi
宮島良明/MIYAJIMA Yoshiaki

Keywords: 新日鐵釜石, つなぐラグビー, 地域密着型クラブチーム, サポートの環, 変化する「希望」




Shin-Nittetsu Kamaishi, a renowned rugby team of Nippon Steel Kamaishi Works, after the seven consecutive, legendary victories in the National championship, was reincarnated as a community-based club team, Kamaishi Seawaves RFC, in April of 2001. This club team is still faced with many difficulties; however, local governments, companies and citizens have begun to give this team supports and assistances, the degree of which is surely increasing. For people living in the City of Kamaishi, the rugby seems to have been a local "hope" in the past and present. In the days when the corporate team had a high presence, "hope" came from a kind of "yearning" for that celebrated team or "pride" of living in Kamaishi, a birthplace of that well-known team. However, the communitybased club team has come to provide residents of this town with a different kind of "hope," one which is based on more "actual" feelings.

社會科學研究 第59巻 第3・4合併号(2008-03-14発行)

(更新日: 2012年 11月 2日)