




The Rule of Law in the International Development Assistance
松尾弘/MATSUO Hiroshi

Keywords: 国際開発援助, 法の支配, 法整備支援, 法と開発, 良い統治,




The rule of law has become much more significant than before in the international legal assistance as it has been widely recognized that the comprehensive institutional reform matters in development. In the context of development (assistance) the rule of law contains the respectfor rules, its formalization, an enforcement mechanism of the formalized rules, control of the governmental power and the normative evaluation of those rules. Those elements stratify fromthe bottom to the top of the whole structure of the rule of law and the meaning of the rule oflaw extends from an instrument to an end of the development. As a result, the process of therule-of-law projects in the developing countries must be promoted incrementally and step bystep by taking into consideration the initial conditions in the economy, political system and society and the informal rules which are historically and culturally developed in each country. Besides, it must be noted that the substance of the rule of law is influenced and dynamically formed by the efforts of the people and the government to introduce the rule-of-law mechanism. Thus the understanding of the rule of law in the context of development can be criteria to check whether the rule-of-law projects are implemented on the tailor-made program, through the initiatives by the people and the government of the developing country and based on the comprehensive, long-term and integrated program. The rule of law, as one of the aspects of the good government, may fall in the latent contradiction with another aspect of the good government such as the efficient policy-making and, as a result, the second best policy may be tentatively allowed to be adopted. However, it must be constantly and critically evaluated fromthe viewpoint of the rule of law.

社會科學研究 第56巻 第5・6合併号(2005-03-30発行)

(更新日: 2012年 11月 2日)