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- 外国語シリーズ(F)
ディスカッションペーパーシリーズ 外国語シリーズ(F)
番号 | 著者 | タイトル | 発行年 |
F-199 | Naofumi NAKAMURA | Reconsidering the US-Japan Trade in Railroad Equipment: An American Sales Representative in Early 20th-Century Japan | Nov. 2023 |
F-198 | Naofumi NAKAMURA | Trading locomotives between the US and Japan: A case of Okura & Co. around the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries (PDF File) | Jul. 2022 |
F-197 | Wataru TANAKA and Masaki IWASAKI | Homogeneity and Heterogeneity in How Institutional Investors Perceive Corporate and Securities Regulations (PDF File) | Dec. 2021 |
F-196 | Naofumi NAKAMURA | The First Globalization and the US-East Asian Locomotive Trade: Focusing on Baldwin Locomotive Work and Frazar & Co. in Japan (PDF File) | Aug. 2021 |
F-195 | Hiroyuki HOSHIRO | Alliances, Security Externalities, and Donor Coordination (PDF File) | Oct. 2020 |
F-194 | Shuhei NAKA | Analysis of Differentials across Municipalities in Regional Job Support Program: Based on the Survey in Osaka Prefecture (PDF File) | Nov. 2019 |
F-193 | Shuhei NAKA | Income Structures of Self-employment in Professional Occupations(PDF File) | Sep. 2019 |
F-192 | Naofumi NAKAMURA | The Training School for Railway Engineers: An early example of an inter-firm vocational school in Japan | Sep. 2019 |
F-191 | Mayo MORIMOTO | Effects of Electrification on the Production and Distribution in the Coal Industry: Evidence from 1900s Japan (PDF File) | March. 2019 |
F-190 | Kenji ISHIDA, Shin ARITA, Keiko GENJI and Mei KAGAWA | The Opportunity Structure of Local Employment of Japanese Workers in Hong Kong: A Perspective from Staffing Agencies (PDF File) | Dec. 2018 |
F-189 | Kenji ISHIDA | The Status Attainment Structure for Immigrants in Japan: An Empirical Analysis Comparing Native Japanese with First- and Second-Generation Immigrants (PDF File) | Apr. 2018 |
F-188 | Izumi MORI | The Effect of Private Junior High School Attendance on Educational Expectations and Academic Self-Concept in Japan (PDF File) | Sep. 2017 |
F-187 | Yu MANDAI and Masaki NAKABAYASHI | Stabilize the Peasant Economy: Governance of Foreclosure by the Shogunate (PDF File) | Sep. 2017 (revised Nov. 2017) |
F-186 | Shintaro YAMAGUCHI, Yukiko ASAI and Ryo KAMBAYASHI | Effects of Subsidized Childcare on Mothers' Labor Supply Under a Rationing Mechanism (PDF File) | Apr. 2017 |
F-185 | Hideo OWAN and Tsuyoshi TSURU | Integrating High-Powered Performance Pay into a Seniority Wage System (PDF File) | Apr. 2017 |
F-184 | Shintaro YAMAGUCHI, Yukiko ASAI and Ryo KAMBAYASHI | How Does Early Childcare Enrollment Affect Children, Parents, and Their Interactions? (PDF File) | Mar. 2017 |
F-183 | 아리타 신 | 패널 조사와 국제비교 조사를 통해 본 일본사회의 불평등 한국과의 비교를 중심으로 (PDF File) | Feb. 2017 |
F-182 | Shin ARITA | A Comparative Analysis of Social Stratification in Japan, Korea and Taiwan: Where is the Locus of Social Inequality? (PDF File) | Feb. 2017 |
F-181 | Masaki NAKABAYASHI | Self-fulfilling Distortion and Ownership Structure: At the Dawn of the Japanese Capitalism (PDF File) | Sep. 2016 (revised Sep. 2017) |
F-180 | Naofumi NAKAMURA | Diversification and Convergence: The development of locomotive technology in Meiji Japan | Jun. 2016 |
F-179 | Izumi MORI | Trends in Socioeconomic Achievement Gap in Japan: Implications for Educational Inequality (PDF File) | Mar. 2016 |
F-178 | Izumi MORI | The Effects of Supplementary Tutoring on Students’ Mathematics Achievement in Japan and the United States (PDF File) | Dec. 2015 |
F-177 | Yukiko ASAI, Ryo KAMBAYASHI and Shintaro YAMAGUCHI | Crowding-Out Effect of Publicly Provided Childcare: Why Maternal Employment Did Not Increase (PDF File) | Jul. 2015 |
F-176 | Yuji GENDA | Mark Rebick’s Memorial and Hope in Japan (PDF File) | Jun. 2015 |
F-175 | Yuji GENDA | An International Comparison of Hope and Happiness Between Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States (PDF File) | Jun. 2015 |
F-174 | Naofumi NAKAMURA | Reconsidering the Roles of the State in Technological Development: Railways and Government in Early Meiji Japan | May. 2015 |
F-173 | Mayo MORIMOTO | Screening and Monitoring Miners: Recruitment and Personnel Management in Japanese Coal Mining | May. 2015 |
F-172 | Hiroyuki HOSHIRO | Building an “East Asian Community” in vain: Japan's Power Shift and Regionalism in the New Millennium (PDF File) | Feb. 2015 |
F-171 | Yukiko ASAI, Ryo KAMBAYASHI and Shintaro YAMAGUCHI | Childcare Availability, Household Structure, and Maternal Employment (PDF File) | Sep. 2014 |
F-170 | Naofumi NAKAMURA | Asset Specificity and Boundaries of Firms: Coal Mines and Railways in Japan at the Turn of the 20th Century | March. 2014 |
F-169 | Yukiko ASAI | Parental Leave Reforms and the Employment of New Mothers: Quasi-experimental Evidence from Japan (PDF File) | Apr. 2014 |
F-168 | Masaki NAKABAYASHI | From the Substance to the Shadow: The Court Embedded into Japanese Labor Markets(PDF File) | Feb. 2014 (revised June. 2016) |
F-167 | Toshiki KAWASHIMA and Masaki NAKABAYASHI | Structural Disposal and Cyclical Adjustment: Non-performing Loans, Structural Transition, and Regulatory Reform in Japan, 1997-2011(PDF File) | Feb. 2014 (revised July. 2016) |
F-166 | Masaki NAKABAYASHI | Honesty, Diligence, and Skill: Risk Sharing and Specialization in the Kiryu Silk Weaving Cluster, Japan (PDF File) | Dec. 2013 (revised July 2016) |
F-165 | Masaki NAKABAYASHI | Contained Crisis and Socialized Risk: Unconventional Monetary Policy by the Bank of Japan in the 1890s (PDF File) | Nov. 2013 (revised Feb. 2017) |
F-164 | Mayo MORIMOTO | Referral Hiring of Miners: Case from the Coal Industry in Early Twentieth Century Japan (PDF File) | Oct. 2013 (revised Feb. 2018) |
F-163 | Aigerim ZHANGALIYEVA and Masaki NAKABAYASHI | Legacy of Czar: The Russian Dual System of Schooling and Signaling (PDF File) | Sep. 2013 (revised Sep. 2019) |
F-162 | Hiroyuki HOSHIRO | Regionalization and Regionalism in East Asia | Mar. 2013 |
F-161 | Naofumi NAKAMURA | Railway and Government in Meiji Japan: With a Focus on Nationalisation | Jun. 2012 |
F-160 | Masaki NAKABAYASHI | Price, Quality, and Organization: Branding in the Japanese silk-reeling industry (PDF File) | Apr. 2012 (revised Mar. 2013) |
F-159 | Eisaku IDE and Takaharu SHIMADA | Rationality and Limits of Japan's Welfare State Historical and Comparative Perspective | Jan. 2012 |
F-158 | Kenji HIRASHIMA | Die japanische Politik im Wandel: Parteipolitik und institutionelle Reformen (PDF File) | Dec. 2011 |
F-157 | Masaki NAKABAYASHI | Extended Schooling and Internalized Training: Skill Elements Evolution of Blue-collar Workers in an Internal Labor Market(PDF File) | Sep. 2011 (revised Apr. 2015) |
F-156 | Changmin LEE | Why did open-port-brokerage businesses in the rice trade vanish in prewar Korea? | May. 2011 |
F-155 | Sachiko KURODA and Isamu YAMAMOTO | What determines work hours?: who you work with or where you work? (PDF File) | Mar. 2011 |
F-154 | Yuji GENDA, Sachiko KURODA, and Souichi OHTA | Does downsizing take a toll on retained staff?: An analysis of increased working hours during recessions using Japanese micro data (PDF File) | Mar. 2011 |
F-153 | Masaki NAKABAYASHI | Acquired Skills and Learned Abilities: Wage Dynamics of Blue-collar Workers in Internal Labor Markets (PDF File) | Feb. 2011 (revised Jan. 2015) |
F-152 | Tomoko TSUCHIDA | Involvement of the NGO Networks in the Process of Establishment and Revision of the Domestic Violence Prevention Law: A Comparative Study between Japan and South Korea | Mar. 2010 |
F-151 | Toshihiro MATSUMURA and Makoto OKAMURA | Competition and Privatization Policy: The Relative Performance Approach(PDF File) | Aug. 2009 |
F-150 | Toshihiro MATSUMURA, Takeshi MUROOKA and Akira OGAWA | Randomized Strategy Equilibrium and Simultaneous-Move Outcome in the Action Commitment Game with a Small Cost of Leading(PDF File) | Aug. 2009 |
F-149 | Mayo MORIMOTO | The technological progress and the transformation of labor organization: Modernization of Japanese coal mining from the 1900s to 1930s(PDF File) | Jul. 2009 (revised Sep. 2009) |
F-148 | Daisuke HIRATA and Toshihiro MATSUMURA | On the uniquness of Bertrand equilibrim(PDF File) | Jul. 2009 |
F-147 | Sachiko KURODA and Isamu YAMAMOTO | How are hours worked and wages affected by labor regulations?: ?The white-collar exemption and ‘name-only managers’ in Japan ?(PDF File) | Jul. 2009 |
F-146 | Masaki NAKABAYASHI | Institutions and economic development of early modern Japan(PDF File) | Jun. 2009 (revised Aug. 2009) |
F-145 | Masaki NAKABAYASHI | Poaching, Courts, and Settlements: Complementarity of Governance in Labor Markets(PDF File) | Jun. 2009 (revised Jan. 2014) |
F-144 | Masaki NAKABAYASHI | Tenant, Landlord, and Risk: Revisiting the Debate on Japanese Capitalism(PDF File) | Feb. 2008 (revised Aug. 2019) |
F-143 | Yasuo TAKATSUKI | The Formation of an Efficient Market in Tokugawa Japan (PDF File) | Nov. 2008 |
F-142 | Masaki NAKABAYASHI | Imposed Efficiency of Treaty Ports: Japanese Industrialization and Western Imperialist Institutions (PDF File) | Nov. 2008 (revised Dec. 2013) |
F-141 | Yasuo TAKATSUKI | Informational Efficiency under the Shogunate Governance: Concentration and Integration of the Rice Market in Tokugawa Japan (PDF File) | Sep. 2008 |
F-140 | 田島俊雄 | 刘易斯转折点和中国的农业农村经济问题 (PDF File) | Jun. 2008 |
F-139 | 田島俊雄 | 软件服务外包业的雁行发展:人力资本和产业集聚 (PDF File) | Jun. 2008 |
F-138 | Nobuhiro HIWATARI | International Recessions, Disinflationary Constraints and Employment Adjustment: The implications of Japan’s deficit spending during the 1990s recession | Jun. 2008 |
F-137 | Nobuhiro HIWATARI | Identifying the Domestic Anchors of U.S. Foreign Policy: Agenda setting, partisan strategies, and ends-meet-the-center voting | Jun. 2008 |
F-135 | 中国経済史研討会 伝統経済向現代経済転型的比較研究 | Oct. 2007 | |
F-134 | Masayuki OTAKI | A unified dynamic microeconomic foundation for two alternative premises on money: Reconciliation of Keynesian and monetarist views | Sep. 2007 |
F-133 | Masayuki OTAKI | A Welfare Economics Foundation for the Full-Employment Policy | Aug. 2007 |
F-132 | 亜東経済史研討会 経済発展與歴史認識:以台湾和中国為主 | Jul. 2007 | |
F-131 | Hidenori TSUTSUMI and Takayoshi UEKAMI | Party Policy Coherence in Japan: Evidence from 2003 Candidate-Level Electoral Platform | Mar. 2007 |
F-130 | Takayoshi UEKAMI and Daisuke SHIMIZU | The Consistency of Electoral Systems: A Theoretical Review and Hypoheses | Mar. 2007 |
F-129 | Mandira Sarma and Yuko NIKAIDO | Capital Adequacy Regime in India | Mar. 2007 |
F-128 | Masayuki OTAKI | The dynamic microeconomics of the fiscal multiplier and a normative foundation for macroeconomic policy | Sep. 2006 |
F-127 | Sawa OMORI | Exploring Political Determinants of the Magnitude of Financial Reforms in Developing Countries | Aug. 2006 |
F-126 | Iwao SATO | Welfare Regime Theories and the Japanese Housing System | Jun. 2006 |
F-125 | Sawa OMORI | Measuring Financial Reforms | May. 2006 |
F-124 | Masayuki OTAKI | The Dynamically Extended Keynesian Cross and the Welfare-improving Fiscal Policy | May. 2006 |
F-123 | Naofumi NAKAMURA | Personnel Management and the Formation of Modern Business Organisation: The Railway Industry in Japan before the First World War | May. 2006 |
F-122 | Hajime INUZUKA | Arihiro Fukuda (1964-2003) : His Works and Achievements (PDF File) | Mar. 2006 |
F-121 | Daisuke SHIMIZU and Kentaro TACHI | Policy Interaction on North-South FTA Targeting Outsiders’ Export and FDI | Mar. 2006 |
F-120 | 王京滨 | 日本战后的城镇化发展与财政投融资 | Dec. 2005 |
F-119 | Klaus H. Goetz | Europeanization and Territory | Nov. 2005 |
F-118 | Yoshiaki MIYAJIMA and Hyun-sung KIM | Globalization, Non-globalization, or Regionalization?: In cases of Japan and Korea | Sep. 2005 |
F-117 | 田島俊雄 | 二十世紀的中国化学工業:永利化工・天原電化及其時代 | Feb. 2005 |
F-116 | Tamio NAKAMURA | The EU as a Plural Constitutional Order: An approach to the Constitutional Treaty | Nov. 2004 |
F-115 | Masako SUGINOHARA | Handling Japan’s Banking Crisis, 1997-98:Gaiatsu or Not? (PDF File) | Jun. 2004 |
F-114 | Takeo KIKKAWA | The Japanese Economy and Corporations in the 1990s (revised version) | Mar. 2004 |
F-113 | Hajime INUZUKA | David Hume’s Politics: Inheritance and Renewal of the TraditionalPolitical Thought (PDF File) | Mar. 2004 |
F-112 | Keisuke NAKAMURA | Personnel Management in Japanese Prefecture Governments | Dec. 2003 |
F-111 | Hiroshi ISHIDA | Inequality in Access to Higher Education in Post-war Japan | Nov. 2003 |
F-110 | Hiroshi SHIBUYA and Takehiko NEGISHI | The Japanese Welfare State under Pax-Americana: Uneven Development and Income Redistribution through Health Insurance | Oct. 2003 |
F-109 | Romdej PHISALAPHONG | The impact of ASEAN market unification on inward Japanese FDI: A comparison with the Single European Market | Jan. 2004 |
F-108 | Emilio DELLASOPPA | The Enduring Burden of Death: Years of Life Lost in Rio de Janeiro and São | Mar. 2003 |
F-107 | Emilio DELLASOPPA | Corruption in Post-anthoritarian Brazil: An Overview and Many Open Questions | Feb. 2003 |
F-106 | Daisuke SHIMIZU and Toshihiro MATSUMURA | Equilibria for Circular Spatial Cournot Markets | Sep. 2002 |
F-105 | Hirokuni TABATA | Neoliberalism and Labour : A Historical Approach | Sep. 2002 |
F-102 | Hiroshi ISHIDA | Paths Into and Paths Out of Self-employment in Japan | Jun. 2002 |
F-101 | Sumitaka HARADA | Quelques observations comparatives entre le Japon et la France sur le droit patrimonial de la Famille: A propos des droits du conjoint survivant | Mar. 2002 |
F-100 | Ehud HARARI | Direct Election of Japanese Prime Ministers? Lessons from the Israeli Experience | Mar. 2002 |
F-99 | Akira KUDO | The Policital Process of the IG Ferben Dissolution | Mar. 2002 |
F-98 | Akira KUDO | Search for Stability: Siemens in Interwar-Period Japan | Mar. 2002 |
F-97 | Akira KUDO | A Note on the Comparison of the Japanese and German Capitalism | Mar. 2002 |
F-96 | Tamio NAKAMURA | The Direction of the European Constitution After the Nice Treaty | Feb. 2002 |
F-95 | Ewa PALASZ-RUTKOWSKA | “The Other” in Intercultural Contacts The Image of Japan in Poland at the End of the Nineteenth and the Beginning of the Twentieth Centuries and in the Interwar Period (on the Basis of Selected Publications) | Oct. 2001 |
F-94 | Mari MIURA | Globalization and Reforms of Labor Market Institutions: Japan and Major OECD Countries (PDF File) | Jul. 2001 |
F-93 | Mari MIURA | The New Politics of Labor: Shifting Veto Points and Representing the Un-organized (PDF File) | Jul. 2001 |
F-92 | Akira KUDO | Second Trial for Catching up: The Introduction of German Technology and theEmergence of the Petrochemical Industry in Postwar Japan | Sep. 2001 |
F-91 | Mikitaka MASUYAMA | The Japanese Diet in the 1990s | Mar. 2001 |
F-90 | Masayuki OTAKI | A Simple Unified Macroeconomic Theory: Keynessia-Neoclassicals Controversy as an Equilibrium Selection Problem | Mar. 2001 |
F-89 | Akira KUDO and Motoi IHARA | Innovation through Thorough Imitation, The Consumer Chemicals Industry and the Case of Kao | Dec. 2000 |
F-88 | Masayuki OTAKI | Does Risk Sharing Hypothesis Really Support Nominal Wage Contract? | Aug. 2000 |
F-87 | Hiroshi ISHIDA | Industrialization and Class Mobility in Post-war Japan | Dec. 1999 |
F-86 | Masayuki OTAKI | Neoclassical Interprepation of the Theory of Effective Demand | Sep. 1999 |
F-85 | Kerry SMITH | A Land of Milk and Honey: Rural Revitalization in the 1930s | Apr. 1999 |
F-84 | Masayuki OTAKI | On the Theory of Effective Demand: A Neoclassical Interpretation | Mar. 1999 |
F-83 | Hiroshi SHIBUYA | Pax-Americana System and Japanese Welfare State | Mar. 1999 |
F-82 | Ann WASWO | Urban Housing Policy in 20th-Century Japan | Jan. 1999 |
F-81 | Masahiro KAWAI | Evolving Patterns of Capital Flous and the East Asian Economic Crisis | Dec. 1998 |
F-80 | Ehud HARARI | Creative and Reckless Adventurousness: Knowledge, Power and Governance [In]Effectiveness in Japan: The Economic Bubble and Its Aftermath. | Nov. 1998 |
F-79 | Nobuhiro HIWATARI | Party-State Relations and the Transformation of Conservative Party Rule in France, Italy, and Japan | Nov. 1998 |
F-78 | Masahiro KAWAI and Shigeru AKIYAMA | The Role of Nominal Anchor Currencies in Exchange Rate Arrangements | Oct. 1998 |
F-77 | Hidetaka OHARAI | Sraffa’s Criticism of Hayek, in Defense of Keynes’ Treatise | Oct. 1998 |
F-76 | Takero DOI | Is Japanese Local Finance Really Centralized?: From Viewpoint of the Revenue-Expenditure Nexus (PDF File) | Sep. 1998 |
F-75 | Takero DOI | Environmental Taxes and Pollution Control in the International Economy | Sep. 1998 |
F-74 | Akira KUDO | The Range of Technology Introduction: The Case of Japan’s Petrochemical Industry | Sep. 1998 |
F-73 | Akira KUDO | The Trajectory of European Integration: Possibilities for Substituting Hegemony | Sep. 1998 |
F-72 | Takero DOI | New Evidence on the Median Voter Hypothesis in Japan (PDF File) | Aug. 1998 |
F-71 | Nobuhiro HIWATARI | The Politics of Reform and Transformation of the Postwar Party Systems in Italy and Japan | Aug. 1998 |
F-70 | Akira KUDO | Americanization or Europeanization?: European Direct Investments in Japan | Jul. 1998 |
F-69 | Takero DOI | Empirics of the Median Voter Hypothesis in Japan (PDF File) | May. 1998 |
F-68 | Takero DOI | Central Bank Independence Promotes Budgetary Efficiency (PDF File) | Apr. 1998 |
F-67 | J. A. A. STOCKWIN | Is There Such a Thing as the Asian Model of Democracy? | Jan. 1998 |
F-66 | Nobuhiro HIWATARI | The End of the Postwar Party System in Japan: Implications for Comparative Research | Dec. 1997 |
F-65 | Masahiro KAWAI and Hidetaka OHARA | Nonstationarity of Real Exchange Rates in the G7 Countries: Are They Cointegrated with Real Variables? | Sep. 1997 |
F-64 | Masayuki OTAKI and Satoshi KAWANISHI | A Dynamic Microeconomic Foundation for Multiplier Analysis | Sep. 1997 |
F-63 | Masahiro KAWAI and Shujiro URATA | Foreign Direct Investment in Japan: Empirical Analyses of Interactions Between FDI Inflows and Trade | Aug. 1997 |
F-62 | Isao MIYAOKA | Foreign Pressure and the Japanese Policymaking Process: A Theoretical Framework (PDF File) | Aug. 1997 |
F-61 | Masahiro KAWAI | Japan as a Creditor Nation: What is Happening to Its Net External Assets? | Jul. 1997 |