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2nd meeting (Philosophy of Social Science) Speaker:Yuichiro TAGUCHI

Speaker:Yuichiro TAGUCHI

Date:June. 23, 2022/15:00‐16:40 (JST)


Title:The multi-meaning of M. Weber's "value" in his social science methodology

Target : Open to Members only

Abstract:In recent years, the concept of 'value-free' has continually been re-examined. There is a rough consensus that we must consider any research with incorporating values, but how we should do so remains unclear. In this discussion, M. Weber, who deals with the topic manifestly, tends to be ignored, or regarded only as proponent of it. However, it remains to be considered that he uses the term 'value' in various ways when thinking about the social science (or sociological) methodology. This article reconstructs his thought on 'value', and considers its significance for the present discussion on value-free.