

December 16, 2024Articles/Chapters
Masaaki Higashijima (with Austin M. Mitchell) "Democracy and State Development: Patterns of Public Spending in the First Two Waves of Democratization" 2024. Comparative Political Studies. Online First.
December 3, 2024Articles/Chapters
Masaaki Higashijima (with Adrián del Río) "Democratic Reforms in Dictatorships: Elite Divisions, Party Origins, and the Prospects of Political Liberalization" 2024. 2024. Comparative Political Studies. Online First.
October 1, 2024Articles/Chapters
Tomoko Matsumoto, Kenneth Mori McElwain, Kensuke Okada, Junko Kato "Generational differences in economic perceptions" Electoral Studies 91, 102830-102830 , October 2024
August 31, 2024Articles/Chapters
Tomohiro Hosoi "METI and Japanese scramble: re-definition of Japan's African policy under the second Abe administration and future of African summit diplomacy" The Pacific Review 1-21, August 2024
July 11, 2024Articles/Chapters
Masaaki Higashijima (with Hisashi Kadoya and Yuki Yanai) "The Dynamics of Electoral Manipulation and Institutional Trust in Democracies: Election Timing, Blatant Fraud, and the Legitimacy of Governance." 2024. Public Opinion Quarterly, nfae022.
May 14, 2024Articles/Chapters
Masaaki Higashijima "Autocratization and Development," Aurel Croissant and Luca Tomini eds. 2024. Routledge Handbook of Autocratization. Chapter 25, pp.349-361, Routledge.
May 3, 2024Articles/Chapters
Ryuichi Tanaka (with Atsushi Inoue) "The Rank of Socioeconomic Status within Class and the Incidence of School Bullying and School Absence" Economics of Education Review (forthcoming).
May 3, 2024Articles/Chapters
Higashijima, Masaaki and Yujin Woo. 2024. "Political Regimes and Refugee Entries: Motivations behind Refugees and Host Governments." International Studies Quarterly. 68-2, sqae077.
April 18, 2024Articles/Chapters
Ryuichi Tanaka (with Hideo Akabayashi) "The Rate of Return to Early Childhood Education in Japan: Estimates from the Nationwide Expansion" Education Economics
January 23, 2024Articles/Chapters
Hiroyuki Hoshiro, Bringing the National Interest to the Forefront of Foreign Aid Policy : The Case of Japan