
Personal Profile

Research Publications


/Working Papers

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  Research Publications
I. Academic Publications (English)
  1. "Adjustment to Stagflation and Neoliberal Reform in Japan, the UK, and the US," Comparative Political Studies 31-5 (1998), 602-632.

  2. "Explaining the End of the Postwar Party System," in Junji Banno (ed.), The Political Economy of Japanese Society (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1998), 283-361

  3. "Japanese Corporate Governance Reexamined," in Margaret Blair & Mark Roe (eds.), Employees and Corporate Governance (Washington D.C.: Brookings Institution, 1999), 275-313.

  4. "The Reorganization of Japan's Financial Bureaucracy: Politics of Bureaucratic Structure and Blame Avoidance," Hugh Patrick and Takeo Hoshi (eds.), Crisis and Change in the Japanese Financial System (Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2000)

  5. "Disinflationary Adjustment: The Link Between Economic Globalization and Challenges to Postwar Social Contracts,"in Olivier Zunz, Leonard Schoppa, and Nobuhiro Hiwatari (eds.),Social Contracts Under Stress (New York: Russell Sage Foundation, 2002),281-318

  6. "Embedded Policy Preferences and the Formation of International Arrangements after the Asian Financial Crisis," The Pacific Review 16-3 (2003), 331-359.

  7. "The Problem of Macroeconomic Policy Crossroads:Explaining the Economic Policy Paradox of Switzerland and Japan in the 1990s, " Swiss Political Science Review 10-3 (2004), 137-178.
  8. "Japan in 2004 "Courageous" Koizumi Carries On " Asian Survey Vol. XLV, No.1 (2005), 41-53.

  9. "Japan in 2005: Koizumi's Finest Hour"Asian Survey,46(1):pp22-36,2006
II. Monographs and Working Papers
  1. "Sustaining the Welfare State and International Competitiveness in Japan: The Welfare Reforms of the 1980s and the Political Economy," Discussion Paper Series (Institute of Social Science, The University of Tokyo, 1993).

  2. "Socio-economic Reforms and the Demise of Radical Left Opposition in Japan," Discussion Paper Series (Institute of Social Science, The University of Tokyo, 1994).

  3. "Economic Adjustment Policies in the United States and Japan," Occasional Papers (US-Japan Program, Harvard University, 1996).

  4. "The End of the Postwar Japanese Party System: Implications for Comparative Research," Discussion Paper Series (Institute of Social Science, The University of Tokyo, 1997)

  5. Inside Japan's Leviathan: Decision Making in the Government Bureaucracy, Institute of Governmental Studies, University of California Berkeley, 1988 (co-authored with Brian Woodall)