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〒113-0033 東京都文京区本郷7-3-1
第4回国際混合寡占ワークショップは2018年10月6日(土)にSang-Ho Lee教授が企画し、
産業組織、公共経済学、環境・エネルギー経済学、法と経済学、Regional Science、応用ミクロ経済学
2008年 4月ー現在 東京大学社会科学研究所教授
1998年10月ー2008年3月 東京大学社会科学研究所助教授(呼称変更により2007年4月から准教授)
1996年 4月ー2001年3月 東京工業大学大学院社会理工学研究科社会工学専攻助教授(1998年10月ー2001年3月は東大、東工大併任)
1994年 4月ー1996年3月 大阪大学社会経済研究所助手
1989年4月ー1994年3月 東京大学大学院経済学研究科第2種博士課程
1988年4月ー1989年3月 東京大学経済学部経営学科
1986年4月ー1988年3月 東京大学経済学部経済学科
1984年4月ー1986年3月 東京大学教養学部文科2類
1981年4月ー1984年3月 岐阜県立多治見北高校
1978年4月ー1981年3月 多治見市立多治見中学校
1972年4月ー1978年3月 多治見市立養正小学校
Clarivate Analytics社のWeb of Science Core Collectionに基づくデータ
論文数=116, 総被引用数=3583, h-index=32
(From Social Science Citation Index in Web of Science, Core Collection)
Ranked in most cited scientists in the field of Economics and Business March, 2014,
July, 2019
(From Web of Science, Essential Science Indicators)
論文数=125, 総被引用数=3979, h-index=33
Google Scholarに基づくデータ
総被引用数=6756, h-index=42
Google Scholar)
Semantic Scholarに基づくデータ
Publications 186, h-index 41, Citations 5,616, Highly Influential Citations 344
D-index 39, Citations 5724. Publications 162,
World Ranking 1870, National Ranking 9,
(Economics and Finance)
World 2345 (top 4%), Asian 109 (top 2%), National 18 (top 2%),
Ranking based on performance over the past 10 years
World 1429 (top 3%), Asian 136 (top 2%), National 15 (top 2%),
修士論文 Dividends as a Coordination Device. (東京大学)
博士論文 Essays in Oligopoly with Endogenous Sequencing. (東京大学)
Recent Discussion Papers
Optimal energy-saving investments and Jevons paradox in duopoly markets,
co-authored with Kosuke Hirose
Payoff interdependence and welfare-improving location diversification,
co-authored with Yi Liu
Market transparency in a mixed oligopoly,
co-authored with Lili Xu
Common ownership among private firms and privatization policies,
co-authored with Junichi Haraguchi
Flexible privatization policy in free-entry markets,
co-authored with Susumu Sato
Firms' costs, profits, entries, and innovation under optimal privatization policy ,
co-authored with Junichi Haraguchi
Welfare improving common ownership in successive oligopolies: the role of the input market,
Canadian Journal of Economics58(1), 169-192, February 2025
(co-authored with X. Henry Wang and Chenhang Zeng).
英文査読誌の論文(Web of Science(Core Collection, Social Science Citation Index) 所収論文)
Are fuel taxes redundant when an emission tax is introduced for life-cycle emissions?
Economics Letters 241, 111842, August 2024
(co-authored with Hiroaki Ino)
This is the revised version of
our DP
Tax versus regulations: Polluters' incentives for loosening industry emission targets,
Energy Economics 136, 107705, August 2024
(co-authored with Kosuke Hirose and Akifumi Ishihara)
This is the revised version of
our DP
Welfare consequence of common ownership in a vertically related market,
Journal of Industrial Economics 72(2), 996-1004, June 2024
(co-authored with Linfeng Chen and Chenhang Zeng).
Welfare effects of common ownership in an international duopoly,
Canadian Journal of Economics 57(2), 459-477, May 2024
(co-authored with Yi Liu).
This is the revised version of
our DP
Green transformation in oligopoly markets under common ownership.
Energy Economics 126, 106892 October 2023
(co-authored with Kosuke Hirose).
This is the revised version of
our DP
Common ownership in a delivered pricing duopoly,
Journal of Economics139(3), 191-208, August 2023
(co-authored with Nuowen Bai).
Competition mode and common ownership in a mixed oligopoly,
Manchester School91(4), 306-319, July 2023
(co-authored with Lili Xu and Yidan Zhang)
This is the revised version of our DP entitled
`Cournot–Bertrand comparison under common ownership in a mixed oligopoly'
Common ownership and environmental corporate social responsibility,
Energy Economics114, 106269, October 2022
(co-authored with Kosuke Hirose).
This is the revised version of
our DP
Welfare-reducing price competition under relative performance delegation with convex costs,
Economic Modelling 112, 105871, July 2022
(co-authored with Lili Xu).
Market competition and strategic choices of electric power sources under fluctuating demand,
Resource and Energy Economics 68, 101280, May 2022
(co-authored with Hiroaki Ino and Norimichi Matsueda).
This is the revised version of
our DP
Procurement of advanced inputs and welfare-reducing vertical integration,
Journal of Economics 135(1), 255–283, April 2022
(co-authored with Chul-Hi Park and Sang-Ho Lee).
This is the revised version of
our DP
Free entry under an output-cap constraint,
Economics Letters 210, 110192, January 2022
(co-authored with Hiroaki Ino).
This is the revised version of
our DP
- Profit-Enhancing Entries in Mixed Oligopolies,
Southern Economic Journal 88(1), 33-55, July 2021
(co-authored with Junichi Haraguchi)
This is the revised version of
our DP
Optimality of emission pricing policies based on emission intensity targets under imperfect competition,
Energy Economics 98, 105238, June 2021
(co-authored with Hiroaki Ino)
This is the revised version of
our DP
- The relationship between privatization and corporate taxation policies,
Journal of Economics 133(1), 85-101, June 2021 (co-authored with Yi Liu and Chenhang Zeng)
Promoting green or restricting gray? An analysis of green portfolio standards,
Economics Letters 198, 109650, January 2021
(co-authored with Hiroaki Ino)
This is the revised version of
our DP
Free entry under common ownership ,
Economics Letters 195, 109489, October 2020
(co-authored with Susumu Sato).
Endogenous public and private leadership with diverging Social and private marginal costs,
Manchester School88(5), 699-730, September 2020
(co-authored with Junichi Haraguchi).
This is the revised version of
our DP
Noncooperative and cooperative environmental corporate social responsibility,
Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics 176(3), 549-571, September 2020
(co-authored with Kosuke Hirose and Sang-Ho Lee).
This is the revised version of our earlier work entitled
``Environmental Corporate Social Responsibility as a Collusive Device''
Optimal privatization policy with asymmetry among private firms,
Bulletin of Economic Research 72(3), 213-224, July 2020
(co-authored with Junichi Haraguchi).
Implicit protectionism via state enterprises and technology transfer from foreign enterprises,
Review of International Economics 28(3), 723-743, August 2020
(co-authored with Junichi Haraguchi).
Lack of commitment to future privatization policies may lead to worst welfare outcome,
Economic Modelling 88, 181-187, June 2020
(co-authored with Junich Haraguchi).
This is the revised version of our earlier work (discussion paper) entitled
``Multiple Long-Run Equilibria in a Free-Entry Mixed Oligopoly''
A comparison between emission intensity and emission cap regulations,
Energy Policy 137, 111115, February 2020
(co-authored with Kosuke Hirose).
Shadow cost of public funds and privatization policies.
North American Journal of Economics and Finance 50, 101026, November 2019,
(co-authored with Susumu Sato).
The equivalence of emission tax with tax-revenue refund and emission intensity regulation.
Economics Letters 182, 126-128, September 2019
(co-authored with Hiroaki Ino).
Corporate social responsibility and privatization policy in a mixed oligopoly.
Journal of Economics 128(1), 67-89, September 2019
(co-authored with Seung-Leul Kim and Sang-Ho Lee).
Mixed duopoly: Differential game approach.
Journal of Public Economic Theory 21(4), 771-793, August 2019
(co-authored with Koichi Futagami and Kizuku Takao).
Optimal production tax in a mixed market with an endogenous market structure.
Manchester School
87(4), 578-590, July 2019
(co-authored with Susumu Cato).
Entry license tax: Stackelberg versus Cournot,
Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics
175(2), 258-271, June 2019
(co-authored with Susumu Cato).
A negative effect of cost-reducing public investment: The role of firms' entry.
Economic Record 95(308), 81-89, March 2019
(co-authored with Atsushi Yamagishi).
Comparing welfare and profit in quantity and price competition within Stackelberg mixed duopolies.
Journal of Economics 126(1), 75-93, January 2019
(co-authored with Kosuke Hirose).
Dynamic privatization policy.
Manchester School87(1), 37-59, January 2019
(co-authored with Susumu Sato)
Optimal privatization and uniform subsidy policies: A note.
Journal of Public Economic Theory 20(3), 416-423, August 2018
(co-authored with Ming Hsin Lin).
Government-leading welfare-improving collusion.
International Review of Economics and Finance 56, 363-370, July 2018
(co-authored with Junichi Haraguchi).
Competitive pressure from neighboring markets and optimal privatization policy.
Japan and The World Economy46, 1-8, June 2018
(co-authored with Junichi Haraguchi and Shohei Yoshida).
Eco-technology licensing by a foreign innovator and privatization policy in a polluting mixed duopoly.
Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting and Economics25(3-4), 433-448, May 2018
(co-authored with Seung-Leul Kim and Sang-Ho Lee).
An analysis of entry-then-privatization model: Welfare and policy implications.
Journal of Economics 123(1), 71-88, January 2018
(co-authored with Sang-Ho Lee and Susumu Sato).
Endogenous timing in mixed duopolies with externality.
Australian Economic Papers56(4), 304-327, December 2017
(co-authored with Akira Ogawa).
Lobbying for regulation reform by industry leaders.
Journal of Regulatory Economics 52(1), 63-76, August 2017
(co-authored with Atsushi Yamagishi).
Privatization neutrality theorem in free entry markets.
B.E. Journal of Theoretical Economics 17(2), June 2017
(co-authored with Yasunori Okumura).
Long-run welfare effect of energy conservation regulation.
Economics Letters 154, 64-68, May 2017
(co-authored with Atsushi Yamagishi).
Ex-ante versus ex-post privatization policies with foreign penetration in free-entry mixed markets.
International Review of Economics and Finance 50, 1-7, July 2017
(co-authored with Sang-Ho Lee and Lili Xu).
Payoff interdependence and the multi-store paradox,
Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting and Economics 23(3), 256-267, July 2016
(co-authored with Kosuke Hirose).
Cournot-Bertrand comparison in a mixed oligopoly,
Journal of Economics
117(2), 117-136, August 2016
(co-authored with Junichi Haraguchi).
Welfare-improving effect of a small number of followers in a Stackelberg Model,
B.E. Journal of Theoretical Economics 16(1), 243-265, January 2016
(co-authored with Hiroaki Ino).
Mixed duopoly, location choice, and shadow cost of public funds,
Southern Economic Journal82(2), 416-429, October 2015
(co-authored with Yoshihiro Tomaru).
Should firms employ personalized pricing?
Journal of Economics and Management Strategy 24(4). 887-903, October 2015
(co-authored with Noriaki Matsushima).
Competition and privatization policies revisited: The payoff interdependence approach,
Journal of Economics 116(2), 137-150, October 2015
(co-authored with Makoto Okamura).
Optimal privatization and trade policies with endogenous market structure,
Economic Record 91(294), 309-323, September 2015
(co-authored with Susumu Cato).
Endogenous flexibility in flexible manufacturing system,
Bulletin of Economic Research 67(1), 1-13, January 2015
(co-authored with Daisuke Shimizu).
Corporate social responsibility or payoff asymmetry?: A study of an endogenous timing game,
Southern Economic Journal 81(2), 457-473, October 2014
(co-authored with Akira Ogawa).
Comparison between specific taxation and volume
quotas in a free entry Cournot oligopoly,
Journal of Economics 113(2), 125-132, October 2014
(co-authored with Yasunori Okumura).
Mixed duopoly, product differentiation, and competition,
Manchester School 81(5), 730-744, September 2013
(co-authored with Minoru Kitahara).
Long-run effects of tax policies in a mixed market,
FinanzArchiv/Public Finance Analysis 69(2), 215-240, June 2013
(co-authored with Susumu Cato).
Mixed duopoly, privatization, and subsidization with excess burden of taxation,
Canadian Journal of Economics46(2), 526-554, May 2013
(co-authored with Yoshihiro Tomaru).
Advertising competition in a mixed oligopoly,
Economics Letters119(2), 183-185, May 2013
(co-authored Takeaki Sunada).
Competitiveness and R&D competition revisited,
Economic Modelling 31(1), 541-547, March 2013
(co-authored with Susumu Cato and Noriaki Matsushima).
Merger and entry-license tax,
Economics Letters 119(1), 11-13, April 2013
(co-authored Susumu Cato).
Privatization neutrality theorem revisited,
Economics Letters118(2), 324-326, February 2013
(co-authored with Yasunori Okumura).
Competitiveness and stability of collusive behavior,(ようやく相対利潤アプローチの論文が印刷されました)
Bulletin of Economic Research 64(s1), s22-s31, April 2012
(co-authored with Noriaki Matsushima).
Airport privatization and international competition,
Japanese Economic Review 63(4), 431-450, January 2012
(co-authored with Noriaki Matsushima).
How many firms should be leaders? Beneficial concentration revisited,
International Economic Review 53(4), 1323-1340, November 2012
(co-authored with Hiroaki Ino).
Long-run effects of foreign penetration on privatization policies,
Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics 168(3), 444-454, June 2012
(co-authored with Susumu Cato).
Presence of foreign investors in privatized firms and privatization policy,
Journal of Economics 107(1), 71-80, September 2012
(co-authored with Ming Hsin Lin).
Price versus quantity in a mixed duopoly.
Economics Letters 116(2), 174-177, August 2012
(co-authored with Akira Ogawa).
Locating outside a linear city can benefit consumers.
Journal of Regional Science 52(3), 420-432, August 2012
(co-authored with Noriaki Matsushima).
Market structure and privatization policy under international competition.
Japanese Economic Review 63(2), 244-258, June 2012
(co-authored with Yoshihiro Tomaru).
Welfare properties of strategic R&D investments in Hotelling models.
Economics Letters 115(3), 465-468, June 2012
(co-authored with Noriaki Matsushima).
Welfare consequences of an asymmetric regulation in mixed Bertrand duopoly.
Economics Letters 115(1), 94-96, April 2012.
Spatial Cournot competition and transportation costs in a circular city.
Annals of Regional Science 48(1), 33-44,
February 2012 (co-authored with Noriaki Matsushima).
Price leadership in a homogeneous product market.
Journal of Economics 104(3). 199-217, November 2011
(co-authored with Daisuke Hirata).
Market competition, R&D and firm profits in asymmetric oligopoly.
Journal of Industrial Economics 59(3), 484-505, 2011
(co-authored with Junichiro Ishida and Noriaki Matsushima).
Spatial Cournot equilibria in a quasi-linear city..
Papers in Regional Science90(3), 613-628, August 2011
(co-authored with Takeshi Ebina and Daisuke Shimizu).
Collusion, agglomeration, and heterogeneity of firms.
Games and Economic Behavior 72(1), 306-313, May 2011
(co-authored with Noriaki Matsushima).
Randomized strategy equilibrium in the action commitment game with costs of leading.
Operations Research Letters
39(2), 115-117, March 2011
(co-authored with Takeshi Murooka and Okira Ogawa).
When small firms fight back against large firms in R&D activities.
B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy10(1)(Topics),
Article 81, September 2010
(co-authored with Noriaki Matsushima).
What role should public enterprises play in free-entry markets?
Journal of Economics101(3), 213-230, November 2010
(co-authored with Hiroaki Ino).
Privatization waves.
Manchester School 78(6), 609-625, December 2010
(co-authored with Daisuke Shimizu).
On the uniqueness of Bertrand equilibrium.
Operations Research Letters 38(6), 533-535, November 2010
(co-authored with Daisuke Hirata).
Profit-enhancing parallel imports.
Open Economies Review
21(3), 433-447, July 2010
(co-authored with Noriaki Matsushima).
On the robustness of private leadership in mixed duopoly.
Australian Economic Papers 49(2), 149-160, June 2010
(co-authored with Akira Ogawa).
Location equilibrium with asymmetric firms: the role of licensing.
Journal of Economics 99(3), 267-277, June 2010
(co-authored with Noriaki Matsushima and Giorgos Stamatopoulos).
Privatization and entries of foreign enterprises in a differentiated industry.
Journal of Economics 98(3), 203-219, December 2009
(co-authored with Noriaki Matsushima and Ikuo Ishibashi).
Payoff dominance and risk dominance in the observable delay game: A note.
Journal of Economics
97(3), 265-272, July 2009
(co-authored with Akira Ogawa).
Cost differentials and mixed strategy equilibria in a Hotelling model.
Annals of Regional Science 43(1), 215-234, March 2009
(co-authored with Noriaki Matsushima).
Simultaneous price changes, information acquisition on common competitors, and welfare.
Australian Economic Papers47(4), 389-395, December 2008
(co-authored work with Minoru Kitahara).
Noncooperative shipping Cournot duopoly with linear-quadratic transport costs and circular space.
Japanese Economic Review59(4), 498-518, December 2008
(co-authored with Daisuke Shimizu).
Congestion-reducing investments and economic welfare in a Hotelling model.
Economics Letters 96(2), 161-167, 2007 (co-authored with Noriaki Matsushima).
R&D competition between public and private sectors.
European Economic Review 50(6), 1347-1366, August 2006
(co-authored with Ikuo Ishibashi).
Cournot and Bertrand in shipping models with circular markets.
Papers in Regional Science 85(4), 585-598, 2006
(co-authored with Daisuke Shimizu).
Tax effects in a model of product differentiation: A note.
Journal of Economics 89(1), 75-82, May 2006
(co-authored with Minoru Kitahara).
Mixed oligopoly, foreign firms, and location choice.
Regional Science and Urban Economics
36(6), 753-772, November 2006.
(co-authored with
Noriaki Matsushima).
Realized cost based subsidies for strategic R&D investments with ex ante and ex post asymmetries.
Japanese Economic Review
57(3), 438-448, September 2006 (co-authored with Minoru Kitahara).
A note on the excess entry theorem in spatial markets.
International Journal of Industrial Organization 24(5), 1071-1076,
September 2006
(co-authored with Makoto Okamura).
Equilibrium number of firms and economic welfare in a spatial price discrimination model.
Economics Letters90(3), 396-401, 2006. (co-authored with Makoto Okamura).
Spatial Cournot competition and economic welfare: A note.
Regional Science and Urban Economics 35(6), 658-670, November 2005
(co-authored with Daisuke Shimizu).
Cartel stability in a sdlivered pricing oligopoly.
Journal of Economics
86(3), 259-292, December 2005
(co-authored with
Noriaki Matsushima).
Partial agglomeration or dispersion in spatial Cournot competition.
Southern Economic Journal
72(1), 224--235, July 2005
(co-authored with Takao Ohkawa and Daisuke Shimizu).
Mixed oligopoly at free entry markets.
Journal of Economics 84(1), 27-48, February 2005
(co-authored with Osamu Kanda).
Economic welfare in delivered pricing duopoly: Bertrand and Cournot.
Economics Letters 89(1), 112-119, October 2005
(co-authored with Daisuke Shimizu).
Endogenous cost differentials between public and private enterprises: A mixed duopoly approach.
71(284), 671-688, November 2004
(co-authored with
Noriaki Matsushima).
Consumer-benefiting exclusive territories.
Canadian Journal of Economics
36(4), 1007-1025, November 2003.
- Endogenous role in mixed markets: A two production period model.
Southern Economic Journal
70(2), 403-413, October 2003.
Mixed oligopoly and spatial agglomeration.
Canadian Journal of Economics
36(1), 62-87, March 2003
(co-authored with
Noriaki Matsushima).
Market instability in a Stackelberg duopoly.
Journal of Economics (Zeitschrift für Nationalökonomie)
75(3), 199-210, April 2002.
Entry regulation and social welfare with an integer problem.
Journal of Economics (Zeitschrift für Nationalökonomie)
71(1), 47-58, February 2000.
Quantity-setting oligopoly with endogenous sequencing.
International Journal of Industrial Organization
17(2), 289-296, February 1999.
Partial privatization in mixed duopoly.
Journal of Public Economics
70(3), 473-483, December 1998.
Endogenous timing in the switching of technology with Marshallian externalities.
Journal of Economics (Zeitschrift für Nationalökonomie)
63, 41-56, February 1996
(co-authored with Masako Ueda).
Revelation of private information about unpaid notes in the trade credit bill system in Japan.
Journal of Legal Studies
XXIV(1), 165-187, January 1995
(co-authored with Marc Ryser).
英文査読誌の論文(Web of Science 未掲載論文)
- Optimal privatization policy in mixed Stackelberg duopolies.
Arthaniti: Journal of Economic Theory and Practice17(1), 1-14, 2018
(co-authored with Ming Hsin Lin).
Inefficient but robust public leadership.
Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade17(4), 387-398, February 2017
(co-authored with Akira Ogawa).
Environmental corporate social responsibility:A note on the first-mover advantage under price competition.
Economics Bulletin
37(1), 214-221, January 2017
(co-authored with Sang-Ho Lee and Kosuke Hirose).
Corporate social responsibility and endogenous competition structure.
Economics Bulletin
36(4), 2117-2127, November 2016
(co-authored with Akira Ogawa).
Price versus quantity in a mixed duopoly with foreign penetration.
Research in Economics 68(4), 338-353, December 2014
(co-authored with Junich Haraguchi).
Mixed oligopoly and spatial agglomeration in quasi-linear city.
Economics Bulletin
29(4), 2722-2729, 2009
(co-authored with Takeshi Ebina and Daisuke Shimizu).
Equilibrium location and economic welfare in delivered pricing oligopoly.
Economics Bulletin29(2), 761-769, 2009
(co-authored with Daisuke Shimizu).
Competition-accelerating public investments.
Australian Economic Papers
44(3), 269-274, September 2005.
Strategic complementarity in direct investments.
Review of Development Economics
8(4), 583-596, November 2004.
Equilibria for circular spatial Cournot markets.
Economics Bulletin 18(1), 1-9, August 2003
(co-authored with Daisuke Shimizu).
Stackelberg mixed duopoly with a foreign competitor.
Bulletin of Economic Research
55(3), 275-287, July 2003.
Strategic R&D investments with uncertainty.
Economics Bulletin
12(1), 1-7, June 2003.
Mixed duopoly with product differentiation: Sequential choice of location.
Australian Economic Papers
42(1), 18-34, March 2003
(co-authored with
Noriaki Matsushima).
Cournot duopoly with multi-Period competition: Inventory as a coordination device.
Australian Economic Papers
38(3), 189-202, September 1999.
A two-stage price-setting duopoly: Bertrand or Stackelberg.
Australian Economic Papers
37(2), 103-118, June 1998.
How many firms become leaders?.
Australian Economic Papers
36, 1-13, June 1997.
Two-stage Cournot duopoly with inventory costs.
Japanese Economic Review
48, 81-89, January 1997.
- Endogenous timing in Cournot duopoly games.
Proceedings of APORS'94, pp. 235-242, 1995.
Endogenous timing in multi-stage duopoly games.
Japanese Economic Review
46(3), 257-265, September 1995.
- 國則守生・松村敏弘
『経済研究』50巻1号 pp. 32-43 (1999).
- 松村敏弘
『国民経済』No. 1583, 43-51 (1994).
- 松島法明・松村敏弘
vol. 61(2), pp. 67-78, 2010.
- 石橋郁雄・松村敏弘
vol. 60(3), pp. 51-60, 2009.
- 猪野弘明・松村敏弘
vol. 60(3), pp. 117-139, 2009.
- 松村敏弘
『法社会学』vol. 68, 120-129, 2008.
- 松村敏弘 ・清水大昌
『經濟學雜誌』 vol. 108(3), 14-25, 2008.
- 松島法明・松村敏弘
『國民經濟雜誌』vol. 196(4), 19-31, 2007.
- 松村敏弘
vol. 27, 90-102, 2006.
- 松村敏弘
vol. 15, pp. 77-96, 2006.
- 藤田友敬
『ソフトロー研究』 vol. 1, pp. 59-104, 2005.
- 松村敏弘
vol. 56(3), pp. 43-52, 2005.
- 松村敏弘
『経済セミナー』 11月号(No 598)
pp. 16-21, 2004.
- 太田勝造・松村敏弘
『人工知能学会誌』 vol.19(5),
pp. 555-562, 2004.
- 松村敏弘
vol. 55(3), pp. 17-26 (2004).
『北大法学論集』 vol. 52(6), pp. (2002).
- 松村敏弘
vol. 52(4), pp. 97-104 (2001).
- 松村敏弘
『社会科学研究』 vol. 51(3), pp. 109-120 (2000).
- 松村敏弘
『フィナンシャル・レビュー』 vol. 52, pp. 14-27 (1999).
- 松村敏弘・松島法明 「訴訟率と判決の予見可能性」
『フィナンシャル・レビュー』 vol. 49, pp. 91-111 (1999).
- 松村敏弘
No. 1139, pp. 32-38 (1998).
- 松村敏弘
『ファイナンシャル・レビュー』 vol. 42, pp. 138-154 (1997).
- 松村敏弘 「東日本大地震後の電力危機と危機対応」
東京大学社会科学研究所・玄田有史・飯田高編『危機対応の社会科学(上):想定外を超えて』 第5章 pp. 117-138.
(東京大学出版会 2019年)
- 松村敏弘・松島法明 「市場競争と研究開発投資」
中林真幸・石黒真吾編『企業の経済学 -- 構造と成長』 第9章
(有斐閣 2014年)
- 松村敏弘 「相対利潤アプローチが拓く新しい(?)産業組織」
大垣昌夫・小川一夫・小西秀樹・田渕隆俊編『現代経済学の潮流2012』 pp. 65-92.
(東洋経済新報社 2012年)
- 松村敏弘 「経済学からみた希望学」
東京大学社会科学研究所・玄田有史・宇野重規編『希望学[1]希望を語るー社会科学の新たな地平へー』 pp. 217-234.
(東京大学出版会 2009年)
- 小川昭・松村敏弘 「規制改革の成果とその課題」
東京大学社会科学研究所編『「失われた10年」を超えて1:経済危機の教訓』 pp. 105-144.
(東京大学出版会 2005年)
- 松村敏弘
『ゲーム理論の応用』pp. 53-79. (勁草書房 2005年)
- 松村敏弘
『産業再生と企業結合:課題ー政策ールール』pp. 365-392. (NTT出版 2004年)
- 泉田成美・西口敏宏・松村敏弘
金本良嗣編 『日本の建設産業』 pp. 33-68. (日本経済新聞社 1999年)
- 松村敏弘
三輪芳朗・神田秀樹・柳川範之編 『会社法の経済学』 pp. 365-392.
(東大出版会 1998年)
- 松村敏弘
浅子和美・大瀧雅之編 『現代マクロ経済動学』 pp. 107-129.
(東大出版会 1997年)
- 浅子和美・國則守生・松村敏弘
宇沢弘文・國則守生編 『制度資本の経済学』 pp. 231-261.
(東大出版会 1995年)
- 竹田陽介・松村敏弘
宇沢弘文・國則守生編 『地球温暖化の経済分析』 pp. 275-294.
(東大出版会 1993年 )
- 玄田有史・松村敏弘 「都市に関する基本データ」
宇沢弘文・堀内行蔵編 『最適都市を考える』 pp. 251-261.
(東大出版会 1992年)
「経済教室:電力全面自由化1年(上)~発電部門の競争促進必須~外販と社内取引 同条件に」『日本経済新聞』(2017年3月17日)
「経済教室:「発送電一貫」の欠陥 検証を~電力市場制度改革の視点」『日本経済新聞』(2011年12月20日)
『EP report』(エネルギー政策研究会)(2023年8月)
『EP report』(エネルギー政策研究会)(2023年8月)
『EP report』(エネルギー政策研究会)(2023年5月)
『EP report』(エネルギー政策研究会)(2022年6月)
『EP report』(エネルギー政策研究会)(2022年2月)
『EP report』(エネルギー政策研究会)(2021年11月)
『EP report』(エネルギー政策研究会)(2021年9月)
『EP report』(エネルギー政策研究会)(2021年4月)
『EP report』(エネルギー政策研究会)(2021年2月)
『EP report』(エネルギー政策研究会)(2020年9月)
『EP report』(エネルギー政策研究会)(2020年6月)
『EP report』(エネルギー政策研究会)(2020年3月)
『EP report』(エネルギー政策研究会)(2019年10月)
『EP report』(エネルギー政策研究会)(2019年7月)
『EP report』(エネルギー政策研究会)(2019年4月)
『EP report』(エネルギー政策研究会)(2019年1月)
『EP report』(エネルギー政策研究会)(2018年9月)
『EP report』(エネルギー政策研究会)(2018年5月)
『EP report』(エネルギー政策研究会)(2017年12月)
『EP report』(エネルギー政策研究会)(2017年8月)
『EP report』(エネルギー政策研究会)(2017年5月)
『EP report』(エネルギー政策研究会)(2017年2月)
『EP report』(エネルギー政策研究会)(2016年11月)
『EP report』(エネルギー政策研究会)(2016年8月)
『EP report』(エネルギー政策研究会)(2016年5月)
『EP report』(エネルギー政策研究会)(2016年3月)
『EP report』(エネルギー政策研究会)(2015年11月)
『EP report』(エネルギー政策研究会)(2015年9月)
『EP report』(エネルギー政策研究会)(2015年6月)
『EP report』(エネルギー政策研究会)(2015年3月)
『EP report』(エネルギー政策研究会)(2014年11月)
『EP report』(エネルギー政策研究会)(2014年9月)
『EP report』(エネルギー政策研究会)(2014年6月)
『EP report』(エネルギー政策研究会)(2014年3月)
「ガスシステム改革の必要性:競争的な電力市場のためにも不可欠」『EP report』
『EP report』(エネルギー政策研究会)(2013年9月)
「電気は30 年後も存在するから特殊な産業?:「うちの産業は特殊」は既得権益を持つ者の常套句」『EP report』
「燃料費調整制度の問題点:電力会社は安価な調達という結果で答えを」『EP report』(エネルギー政策研究会)(2013年3月)
「電気料金査定とリストラ・費用削減」『EP report』(エネルギー政策研究会)(2012年12月)
「原発比率:消えた第4の選択肢」『EP report』(エネルギー政策研究会)(2012年9月)
「発送電分離と送電部門の中立性:望ましい分離の在り方は…」『EP report』(エネルギー政策研究会)(2012年5月)
「原子力損害賠償共済制度の利点:政府負担のない事業者による積み立て制度」『EP report』(エネルギー政策研究会)(2012年2月)
「都市ガスに任せられるか?:縮原発の中でエネルギーベストミックスを考えると」『EP report』(エネルギー政策研究会)(2011年11月)
「スマートメーターがあれば。。。」『EP report』(エネルギー政策研究会)(2011年5月)
「スイッチング費用とエネルギー間競争:電力市場は全面自由化後も一定の規制が必要」『EP report』(エネルギー政策研究会)(2011年3月)
「オール電化割引は公正で合理的な料金体系か?」『EP report』(エネルギー政策研究会)(2010年11月)
「貴重なゼロエミッションの電気を捨てる?」『EP report』(エネルギー政策研究会)(2010年9月)
「グリーン証券は誰の利益になるのか?」『EP report』(エネルギー政策研究会)(2010年6月)
「環境税と排出権取引の等価性」『EP report』(エネルギー政策研究会)(2010年3月)
「環境税と排出量取引の2重課税?」『EP report』(エネルギー政策研究会)(2009年11月)
「太陽光発電「全量買い取り」制度の勧め」『EP report』(エネルギー政策研究会)(2009年8月)
Unpublished Works
- Anticompetitive Consequence of Nationalization of a Public Enterprise in Mixed Markets
- Contestable Markets, Cream Skimming, and Multiple Potential Entrants,
co-authored with Ikuo Ishibashi
- Cost Uncertainty and Spatial Agglomeration (contimum choice version),
co-authored with Noriaki Matsushima, the first version of the paper is written in 2002.
- Endogenous Cost Differentials, Competitiveness in Mixed Markets, and the Privatization of Public Enterprises,
co-authored with Noriaki Matsushima
- Evolution of Competitive Equilibrium with Endogenous Product Differentiation,
co-authored with Noriaki Matsushima and Tetsuo Yamamori.
Firms' Costs, Profits, Entries, and Innovation under Optimal Privatization Policy ,
co-authored with Junichi Haraguchi
- Multiple Long-Run Equilibria in a Spatial Cournot Model and Welfare Implications,
co-authored with Takanori Ago
- Optimal Privatization Policy in Mixed Stackelberg Oligopolies, co-authored with Ming Hsin Lin
- Patent Licensing, Bargaining, and Product Positioning,co-authored with Noriaki Matsushima
- Regulated Input Price, Vertical Separation, and Leadership at Free Entry Markets,
co-authored with Noriaki Matsushima
- Vertical Separation and Access Charge, co-authored with Noriaki Matsushima